Safety and Fitness for Duty
One of the most important goals NIC has is to provide a safe and accident free work environment for our employees, whether complying with site project safety programs or implementing NIC’s own safety program. This goal can only be achieved through the efforts of managers and employees following safe work practices and identifying and assisting in developing better ones.
NIC’s Safety Manual provides guidance in accordance with strict OSHA standards aimed at a zero tolerance for work place accidents. This information is presented to all NIC employees, and made continuously available for use and periodic reference. There is no substitute for the skill, planning and awareness needed, personally, from each NIC employee on a day-by-day, job-by-job basis to assure an accident free work place.
NIC expects each employee to comply with all required policies, rules, practices and procedures established in our Safety Manual - applicable to the project -regarding his/her personal actions and conduct on the job.
In addition, NIC’s Fitness for Duty programs include drug and alcohol testing involving the MICCS, COATS, DOT and FAR toxicology requirements, as well as background investigations and identity proofing in accordance with TWIC, Exostar, LexisNexis, ChoicePoint, First Advantage, and Sterling Professional Screening and Background Investigation requirements.
The success of NIC’s Accident and Loss Prevention Program depends upon management and all levels of employees fully and completely performing the functions for which they are responsible.